The Red Schwinn Bicycle
"A Sentimental Journey"
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The Red Schwinn Bicycle, "A Sentimental Journey" and Where The Hell IS Turtle Creek, "Days Gone By" can be purchased at any one of the following locations:

Paperback: ISBN 978-0-595-41094-1         (The Red Schwinn Bicycle)
Hardback:  ISBN
978-0-595-89106-1         (   "         "            "                "      )
        Ebook:  ISBN 978-0-595-85453-0       (  "       "         "            "     ) 

Paperback: ISBN 9781462041091       (Where Hell Is Turtle Creek)
Hardback: ISBN 9781462041114    (     "       "    "    "         "   )
     Ebook: ISBN 9781462041107    (     "       "    "    "         "   )

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